Florida drivers are required to obtain a certain amount of insurance coverage before they can legally drive. When registering a new vehicle, you must provide proof of at least $10,000 personal injury protection (PIP) and $10,000 property damage liability (PDL). After a traffic violation or DUI conviction, there are a number of things that you must do in order to reinstate your license. Contacting an experienced Bradenton DUI lawyer will allow you to explore your options for license reinstatement. If you have been charged with the crime of DUI, call Pallegar Law, P.A.—our goal is to help make this process as easy as possible. If possible, we want to avoid a conviction and avoid a suspension.
If you have had your license suspended because of a traffic violation, you are required to obtain and complete a form called the SR-22. This is a certificate that ensures that you meet Florida’s minimum insurance requirements and that you will continue to meet these requirements for a set amount of time. For point suspensions, uninsured drivers involved in accidents, and habitual traffic revocations, you are required to obtain a SR-22 for three years. For driving without insurance, a SR-22 is required for two years.
For DUI convictions and driving on a suspended license after a DUI conviction, you must file a different form called a FR-44 in order to reinstate your license. This form is similar to the SR-22, but the insurance requirements are higher and it is required for three years. You must purchase and provide proof of insurance in the amount of 100/300/50—bodily injury protection of $100,000 per person, $300,000 per accident, and $50,000 in property damage coverage. This is quite a bit higher than Florida’s minimum insurance coverage, as it aims to punish individuals with DUI convictions. If you have had your license suspended because of a DUI conviction, contact Pallegar Law, P.A. today. We will connect you with an experienced Bradenton DUI and traffic lawyer who can help you explore and understand your options.
Both the SR-22 and the FR-44 are required if you want to reinstate your license after a suspension. You can obtain the forms directly through your insurance provider. However, because both forms provide proof of present and future insurance, you may have to purchase the entire policy term at once instead of making monthly payments. Additionally, filing of both forms may place you into the “high risk” category with your insurance company. Requesting a FR-44 from your insurance company will let them know that your license has been suspended due to a DUI conviction, and your premiums will increase. There are many consequences to a DUI conviction, financial and legal, and the punishments are severe. If you or someone you know has been charged with the crime of DUI, call an aggressive Bradenton DUI lawyer who can help you explore your options and avoid a potential harsh punishments.
Call Pallegar Law, P.A. at 941-893-5816 (Sarasota) or 813-444-3912 (Tampa) to be connected to an attorney who can discuss your Florida drivers’ license suspension or DUI arrest today.