
Prostitution is giving or receiving any kind of sexual activity for hire. This does not include sexual activity with a spouse. In the state of Florida, it is unlawful for a person to compel, coerce, or force another person to become a prostitute.

If a person compels, coerces, or forces another person to become a prostitute, he or she will be charged with a third degree felony. In Florida, it is unlawful for a person to obtain support from engaging in prostitution. If you or someone you know has been charged with a related crime, contact an experienced Tampa prostitution defense attorney at Pallegar Law, P.A.

If a person is found engaging in prostitution for the first time, he or she is charged with a second degree felony. If a person is found engaging in prostitution for the second time, he or she is charged with a first degree felony. If a person is found engaging in prostitution a third time, or anything beyond, he or she is charged with a first degree felony and a mandatory minimum prison sentence of ten years. In order to explore your options, call an aggressive Tampa prostitution defense attorney to avoid a mandatory minimum sentence.

In Florida, a person is charged with a second degree misdemeanor if he or she maintains, owns, established, or operates a structure for the purpose of prostitution, assignation, or lewdness, offers, receives, solicits, commits or purchases the services of a prostitute, transports or agrees to transport someone to a structure for the purpose of prostitution, enters or remains in any structure for the purpose of prostitution, assignation, or lewdness, or participates in any acts of lewdness or prostitution for the first time.

If a person is found violating any of these unlawful acts a second time, he or she is charged with a first degree misdemeanor. If a person is found violating any of these unlawful acts a third time, or anything beyond, he or she is charged with a third degree felony and offered entrance into a pretrial intervention program or a substance abuse treatment program.

If a person entices, induces, or solicits another person to commit prostitution, assignation, or lewdness, in addition to the penalties above, he or she must also complete 100 community service hours and attend and pay for educational programs about the negative effects prostitution and human trafficking have.

The court will also sentence him or her to a mandatory minimum prison sentence of ten days if this was the second offense, or more, committed and may impound his or her vehicle for up to sixty days. Hiring an experienced Tampa prostitution defense attorney can help you avoid harsh sentences and mandatory minimums. Contact Pallegar Law, P.A. to be connected to someone who can help you fight the charges.

If a person is under arrest for prostitution, he or she is able to request screening for any sexually transmitted disease. If infected, he or she will be submitted to appropriate counseling and treatment and will have to pay all costs for any screening.

If a person is convicted of prostitution, he or she must have screening for sexually transmitted disease. If infected, he or she will be submitted to counseling and treatment prior to being releases. If a person who commits or obtains another for prostitution tested positive, prior to the crime, for a sexually transmitted disease and knew they were positive, he or she is charged with a first degree misdemeanor.

If a person commits or obtains another for prostitution tested positive, prior to the crime, for HIV and knew they could transmit the disease, he or she is charged with a third degree felony.

A person has the right to compensatory and punitive damages against anyone who coerced him or her into prostitution, coerced him or her to remain in prostitution, or anyone who used coercion to receive any money that a person made from prostituting.

If you or someone you know has been charged with prostitution or a related crime, call an aggressive Tampa prostitution defense attorney at Pallegar Law, P.A. Call 813-444-3912 or 941-893-5816 for help.

Client Reviews

Pallegar Law, always put my family first, their team always explained things in full detail, and got the very best results possible. They genuinely care. Our family will forever be grateful. Thank you.


He took me on and from the word go communicated everything in a timely and professional fashion about how everything is going to be played it; and then delivered word for word. The best part about them apart from their professionalism and efficiency would have to be their honesty which lets you...


Excellent communication skills between the staff and client. I always felt I was in the know as to what to expect next. Ajay was up front on possible outcomes of the case and did not promise unrealistic results. Hope to not need them again, but definitely would recommend them.


Ajay made me feel like I was the only case he had, and that he put all of his time making sure I was properly defended. With Ajay experience I was able to continue my days to days life knowing I was fully taken care of. Thanks to Ajay professionalism and attention to detail all my charges were...

Eric, a Criminal Defense client

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